Pictured from L-R, youngest to oldest:
Willard the Foundation Morgan Mule (Mammoth Jack X KS Bluestem HerodOCorrel)
Kansas Enduring Honor (Adiel’s Stetson X Burchtree Roxanne)
KS Bluestem The Old Guard (Kansas Buffalo Soldier X Sweet’s Jada Babe)
KS Bluestem Cimarron B (Adiels Stetson X KS Bluestem B Mine)

The Boys Club
Pictured L-R – 2009 foals in late winter:
KS Bluestem The Old Guard, Kansas Enduring Honor, KS Bluestem Willard,
KS Bluestem Cimarron B

KS Bluestem The Old Guard
(Kansas Buffalo Soldier X Sweets Jada Babe)
DOB 19 April 2009
Black stud colt sporting no white
This is our first foal sired by Kansas Buffalo
Soldier and we could not be more pleased with this foal.
He is still just a sprout but it is clearly visible that
he is from strong fine seed stock. Evaluation at this young
age shows us a couple of things. So far he is bold in nature
and appears to have some lovely movement. He was born XL
and so far is maintaining XL. We all thought he was a huge
foal when born. He has large soft eyes, is wide between
the eyes, has hooked ears, arched neck, good length of neck
and large bone. He is a wonderful specimen!
His name is KS Bluestem The Old Guard. Well
I am sure you are probably wondering what crazy lady who
would name a new foal old guard. The foal is not old and
not a guard. Since his sire is named Kansas Buffalo Soldier
I wanted a name with historic military significance. This
foal stands out from the crowd. He has since we first set
eyes on him. He rises above the pack like a layer of cream
on milk. There is one unit in the Army that stands above,
it is “The Old Guard”..The 3rd US Infantry Regiment BCT.
The Old Guard is a ceremonial unit which provides escort
to the president, military funeral escorts at Arlington
National Cemetery and maintains a 24-hour vigil at the Tomb
of the Unknown Soldier. The soldiers assigned to The Old
Guard are top notch soldiers; top to bottom. Kansas Buffalo
Soldier's first born will bear the name of excellence and
distinction. His black coat will shine and when he is in
show attire; polished silver or brass….. he will look formal,
traditional and be true to his name……..The Old Guard.
Sire: Kansas
Buffalo Soldier
Dam: Sweets
Jada Babe
The time has come and Jada begins to foal. The mares foal
out in pasture the way nature intended. There are many risks
to foaling outside in a herd. There are also risks with foaling
in a stall. I pray each foaling season that the good Lord will
look down and help us through the foaling seasons. This year
Jada starts to foal down by the creek.
The foal is born and he big, black and leggy!
~ Jim helps the new foal up. ~
Jim and I assist Jada and new foal up to the house. Jada is such
a good dam. She is patient and understanding with us. She also
is an excellent milker. She milks like a Jersey cow.
Once home new foal starts to dry off
and looks for some nutrition; first milk; colostrum. He finds the
teat and begins to nurse. Jada checks out her new edition. They
are both a muddy mess from the creek. |
He starts to dry off and his new life begins….nursing and
walking around trying out his new legs. He is beginning to build
strong bonds between he and his dam and is introduced to the
kindness of mans hand.
~ He begins to dry off and even at day one looks pretty
good. I am excited! ~
~ All dry and fuzzy, about two hours old
~ He rests and then he and Jada go back out
in pasture. He sure has some light eyes. ~
He is now in natures play pen. He made it
through the first few hours of life and is nearing the end of
day one. He has run, played, nursed and slept.
OG and his dam walk across the freshly burnt Flint Hills
grass. Soon this black charred earth will be a vibrant green.
Great nourishment for all beasts that graze. As they walk into
the horizon, Jada will ensure her new foal remains safe.
~ OG at two days of age. ~
He knows much more then he did yesterday. He knows who his dam
is and can run through the woods like a deer. He is also mastering
trail riding 101. I love to watch the foals grow. Each day is
~ OG at three days of age. ~
He looks out into his play area. An area that houses many of
the great tools of learning and development.

~ The call of the wild ~
During our pasture visit of the horses Kimon and Whooo tree
a varmint. Whooo lets out his call. I love to hear the howl
of hounds. It echoes through the woods. Kimon is tired and stops
to take a break in the river bed. All of these areas are areas
that the foals run, play and learn about life. The steep banks
serve as natures fencing. The horses cross the creeks in areas
that are not so steep. These creek crossings build strong bone
and sure footedness in young horses.
At 4 days of age OG begins to unfold.
~ Day 4 – playing around ~
The head tells a story
Wide between the eyes, hook ears, large soft kind eyes, tea cup
muzzle – a head of kindness and intelligence.

Enjoying a scratch from Jim.
~ Summer 2009 ~

KS Bluestem Cimarron B
(Adiel’s Stetson x KS Bluestem B Mine)
Bay colt
DOB 04 April 2009
Sire: Adiel’s Stetson
Dam: KS Bluestem B Mine

~ B Mine checks on her new foal. Her new
colt is just a couple of hours old. ~
“The Guardian”
B Mine is on high alert. All of her instincts are on “high”. She
knows her young foal is vulnerable to prey.
B Mine’s new edition rests peacefully knowing his dam is standing
over him.
Spring is a special season. The smell of the air, the sound
of geese flying North overhead. Soon the prairie grasses will
be set on fire to burn off the old brown stand of grass and kill
weeds. The Flint Hills will soon display a vibrant display of
fresh green grass. Spring also brings a new set of foals. Each
foal bringing new dreams, hopes and aspirations. Catherine is
pictured with B Mine’s new foal. B Mine foals are always one of
Catherine’s favorites. The bond is beginning; human, mare and
foal; B Mine accepts Catherine’s kind touch.
German Shepherds ~ The loyal and dedicated herding breed. Kimon
is the keeper of the horses. He is the guardian of the farm. He
knows when there is a new arrival be it cat or new foal. He knows
the foal is fragile and displays the eyes of concern. Kimon will
introduce himself and will soon also be the foals “protector”.
~ B Mine’s new foal soon finds his feet.
A horses survival is based on the instincts
of “fight or flight”. B Mine’s foal is so very new to life and
already beginning to move with the speed of the instinct of survival
“flight”. He was born of the prairie and will soon learn the ways
of the prairie. His dam will protect him from intruders and his
feet will carry him out of harms way.
The prairie will ensure his bone grows strong,
the wind, rain and hail will make him tough, the herd will build
his mind, social skills and respect. He will only know the kindness
of mans hand. Life’s lessons will soon begin.
~ Pictured at three days of age, B Mines foal explores life
and seems to be always in motion. ~
He was born on the prairie, born free, yet remembers the
kindness of man on his first day of life. He is trusting of
man and comes up to Jim to share a moment. At three days of
age B Mines foal begins to display some of his personality.
He is very inquisitive, independent and bold.
~ A Pasture Visit ~
Four days old
B Mine’s foal enjoys the visit, human companionship and
some scritches. He tells Catherine a little to the left please….and
two humans, wow, much better then one. He thinks he needs to
reciprocate and Catherine enjoys the attention!
~ The obstacle course ~
At day four the colt maneuvers over natural obstacles like a pro.
He has already crossed water, jumped logs, climbed steep hills
and ravines. He is learning trail horse skills 101.
~ Snack time ~
After his adventure he takes a snack while B Mine watches for
intruders. The colt will be good sized as his dam is 15.3 and
at day 4 is already showing size. Some foals can walk under their
dams, but even with a dam that is 15.3, this colt never could
take the “short cut” underneath. He is to young to evaluate movement
but I suspect he will have excellent lofty movement; it is in
the genes. I sure like this colt.
~ A side tour – pasture mates ~
I call them my “Bedouin Mares”. They are my Ebony girls. Cherished,
prized and as intelligent as Border Collies. They are a part of
my soul. They seem to know all before they are even taught. I
often think if they lived in the Arab desert they would be the
family of horse that slept in the Bedouin Tent along with their
masters. Highly prized and cherished by their owners. Pictured
is my lovely Kansas Enduring Freedom; my “Bedouin Mare”.
Day 4 foal visit/tour, takes us to a visit
with pasture mate KS Bluestem Tallgrass Tonga. Tallgrass is a
coming two year old. She must have known I named her Tall..something
as she is growing like a weed. Tall and gangly. She is a daughter
of Stetson, Ebony granddaughter and out of a full sister to my
Beau. Her training will begin in spring. Slow, easy training but
I have to admit I can not wait until she wears a polished brass
harness. She is going to be a beauty and as you can see loves
attention, and she gets it from both Catherine and I.
It is the end of day 4 and B Mine and foal
start to settle in for the evening. The forecast for tomorrow
brings 30 MPH winds and rain. In spring folks set out transplants
or seedlings outside for “hardening”. Tomorrow will be this little
fellows first official day of “hardening”. He and B Mine will
probably settle in some draw or wooded area to protect themselves
from the wind and rain. The elements will make him tough and his
dam and herd mates will teach him the skills of survival.

Kansas Enduring Honor
(Adiel’s Stetson x Burchtree Roxanne)
Homozygous Black Stud Colt
Foaled - April 26, 2009
Honor is a very lovely stud colt. He has traits
of both his sire and dam. A beautiful, kind eye coupled
with lovely movement. We consider Roxanne to be one of our
favorite mares and all of her foals have been exceptional.
Honor is no exception. He was tested to be homozygous black.
We look forward to watching Honor mature. We will post more
photos of Honor as he matures.
Sire: Adiel’s Stetson
Dam: Burchtree
~ Summer 2009 ~
~ Fall 2009 ~
Honor is to the left/rear and Old Guard is to the right/front.

KS Bluestem Willard
Foundation Morgan Mule
(Mammoth Jack X KS Bluestem Herod O Correl)
Born: June 2, 2009
My son wanted a Morgan mule and I held out
for a long time but he finally won out. The result was Willard.
It did not take long for me to fall in love with this guy.
He is a beauty and a real character. VERY DIFFERENT from
any horses I have known. One thing for sure he keeps me
smiling and I am always amazed at the things I see him doing.
Willard is a true gem. I wonder now if he is “my” mule or
my sons. Willard and I are now bonded and when loose he
follows me everywhere. He is like a dog.
~ Day 1 ~
~ Day 2 ~
~ Willard with Katherine, and with Suzanne
at the mounting block ~
~ Willard's first trail ride ~
~ Willard is growing up and changes color