Pictured from left to right; youngest to oldest:
KS Bluestem The Big Red 1 (Adiel’s Stetson X Sweets Cin Della) “Red”
KS Bluestem Ebony Star ( Adiel’s Stetson X KS Bluestem Herod O Correl)
KS Bluestem Lady Liberty (Adiel’s Stetson X Burchtree Roxanne) “Liberty”
KS Bluestem Tallgrass Tonga (Adiel’s Stetson X KS Bluestem Tonga’s Legacy)
KS Bluestem Jada Jenevieve (Adiel’s Stetson X Sweets Jada Babe) “Jenny”
KS Bluestem B Borias (Kells In Kirby’s Honor X KS Bluestem B Mine) “Borias”

Claudianne and Kerry
Kansas Summer ~ 2007
In many of the foal photos you will see pictured
Claudianne and Kerry. Claudianne is my cousin’s daughter
and are from Sherbrooke which is located in Quebec, Canada.
Danielle emailed me in the winter that Claudianne and her
friend Kerry wanted to spend the summer on the farm with
the horses. So we were excited to have the two horse crazy
girls, Claudianne and Kerry spend the summer with us in
Kansas. Each day they would feed the mares, work with foals
and ride the horses. There were six foals so each girl chose
three foals that they would work with for the summer. Each
day they would get their foals out and work and train them.
I was truly amazed at what the girls had taught the foals.
The foals were definitely ready for a diploma at the end
of summer. When the girls left for at the end of summer
there is no doubt the foals really missed their summer companions.
Pictured are photos of Claudianne and Kerry enjoying their
Kansas summer.


KS Bluestem B Borias
(Kells In Kirbys Honor X KS Bluestem B Mine)
Bay stud colt
DOB 13 March 2007
I really love the cross of Puckett and B Mine.
All of the foals from this cross have been lovely moving
bay beauties with excellent temperament and size. Their
bloodline contains some nice horses like Kennebec Count,
Osirus and B Mines dam Sweets B Bomb; known producer of
16 hand dressage beauties.
Borias was our first foal born this year.
He was born in pasture and Katherine was the first to find
him. Katherine is partial to B Mine foals so I thought she
should name him. Katherine finally chose a name that was
fitting for the lovely bay. He would be called Borias, a
strong masculine name for the lovely bay, who over time
is becoming the image of his name. Borias is of gentle nature,
bold in spirit and seems to take things in stride. He is
easy to train and retains his lessons well. When grown he
will be similar to his full siblings, all powerful animals
with great substance, bone and coupled with exceptional
movement. Borias has been sold and is now living in Iowa
with Deb Morris. Deb will use him for trail riding and driving;
both pleasure and combined. Borias will soar in the arena
of driving. Even as a foal he is already displaying that
lofty sport horse movement. He has everything Deb wanted
plus a little more in the height department. Hopefully Borias
will not grow to big as dept ordered a “medium” one. We
hope to see Deb and Borias competing someday in harness
at the Harvest Moon Driving Classic. I can guarantee is
we will be there too and I will watch with great pride.
KS Bluestem Jada Jenevieve
(Adiels Stetson X Sweets Jada Babe)
Brown filly
DOB 01 April 07
KS Bluestem Jada Jenevieve, “Jenny”, is one
lovely filly. Jada always has outstanding offspring and
Jenny is one of her finest. Jenny is 100% Sweets bred as
her sire is Stetson. Jenny really is a reflection of her
bloodline; correct, beautiful, highly trainable and really
built from top to bottom. I often think our foals have “big
hips and pretty faces” well Jenny is all of that plus some.
Jenny has such a pretty face possessing big eyes and a tea
cup muzzle. In the hip department Jenny is quite “endowed”,
QH folk would no doubt love little Jenny’s hip. Her temperament
is quiet in nature, sensible and quite bold. I think she
is going to mature into a very lovely animal and will be
easy to train, honest and smooth riding like her sire and
dam. Jenny is currently not for sale.
~ Jenny Day One ~
~ Jenny at one week of age ~
Jenny with Borias
~ May 19 - 21, 2007~
~ Jenny and Justina ~
I am not sure how horses know their close relatives but
they do. Our horses live in a herd, all sexes and ages, and
it is funny how full siblings will hang together or be more
tolerant of each other. Somehow they know they are “blood family”
and not just herd mates. Pictured are Justina and her full sister
Jenny enjoying “quality” time together. Both fillies are brown
in color even though Jenny looks lighter.
~ Jenny on a spring trail ride with mares
and foals ~
Jenny leading the way with dam, Sweets Jada Babe.
crossing gullies and ditches
~ Kerrie working with Jenny ~
July, 2007
~ August 2007 ~

KS Bluestem Tallgrass Tonga
(Adiels Stetson X KS Bluestem Tonga’s Legacy)
Black filly
DOB 10 April 2007
KS Bluestem Tallgrass Tonga is named after
the native Bluestem prairie grasses which make up the Tallgrass
Prairie. Tonga was a name handed down through generations
of her Midwest Herod lineage.
Our horses live in a herd the natural way
and our mares exposed to all elements even during foaling
season. There are risks to foaling horses the natural way
but risks are also assumed when animals are confined in
stalls to give birth. Each side has stories of horrific
endings. Tallgrass was born in early spring when the spring
rains came. The days were cold and wet but the little black
filly was born with great heart, determination and strong
hardy bloodlines. I offered her dam, Tonga’s Legacy, an
area with cover and soft hay bedding but she preferred the
elements. So dam and new filly exposed to the elements grew
all the more tougher and hardier as each day passed. Now
Tallgrass is a lovely weaned beautiful black filly and what
a beauty she is. Her movement is up there with the best
of them. She reminds me of her Uncle Andy when she moves,
a stride that floats along the meadows as if carried on
wings, and all I can say is “magnificent”. I am just ecstatic
about this lovely filly. She combines everything I like
to see in a pedigree of great Midwest Herod breeding. This
little gem us not be for sale and will be retained forever……
Someday she will sport a fine harness of polished brass
and as she sweeps around the ring in graceful and balanced
movement I will think of how much God has blessed me.
~ Tallgrass Day One ~
~ Jenny at 2 days old ~
~ May, 2007~
“The Match Race”
Tallgrass and dam
~ Tallgrass and Borias play ~
~ Claudianne and Tallgrass - July/Aug, 2007
Claudianne sidepassing Tallgrass
~ Tallgrass - August, 2007 ~

KS Bluestem Lady Liberty
(Adiels Stetson X Burchtree Roxanne)
Black filly, sporting no white
DOB 10 May 07
Lady Liberty was named after the Statue of
Liberty, symbol of our countries freedom. I thought this
name would be a good name for Roxanne’s lovely black filly;
it is a name that speaks volumes and fitting for our cross
of Stetson X Roxanne. She is probably, phenotypically, is
the most Herod/Archie O foal that we have ever produced.
She is a cutsie thing all the way around from top to bottom.
She has a cute little head which is wide between the eyes
with little hooked ears. Liberty has wonderful hindquarter
on her and she screams western. She mature she will look
much like her sire. Liberty is very interactive, inquisitive,
bold and has considered herself part of the family since
birth. I think she really knows she is of great lineage
as she struts around and thinks she owns the place and she
is “it”, no questions asked. She acts like she of “royal”
lineage and her place at Bluestem Morgan’s will never be
questioned. My husband first originally pointed out her
“royal” attitude to me and I guess I have to agree. We have
TOO MANY but how can I let this little “royal” filly go?
She is as cute as a button and typey as can be. She has
won my heart and currently I do not have the “heart” to
list her on my for sale page. Her dam is aging and I just
love her sire. This is the combination of two horses that
I just love, so honest, typey and bold. So for now my lovely
Liberty will stay. She has told us so…………
~ Lady Liberty - Day One ~
Liberty day one of age, Roxanne is bringing her new foal in from
pasture for the “viewing”. Liberty only hours old has to learn
the ways of pasture living and how to negotiate through ravines,
hills and water crossings. These obstacles will become much a
part of her daily life and routine. This physical work will build
strong bones, tendons, muscles and she will experience daily interactions
with a herd family of all ages will build her mind. She will never
know the wall of stall living.
~ May, 2007~
Liberty and dam, Roxanne.
Liberty following her dam on a trail ride.
~ Summer, 2007 ~
Claudianne and Liberty
Claudianne and Liberty
Claudianne and Liberty
Liberty fully enjoying a good
scratch from Kerry.
~ Liberty - Summer, 2007 ~
Claudianne working with Liberty, teaching Liberty to
load in a trailer, lounge, pick up her feet and jump.
~ Liberty and Catherine ~
~ Liberty - August 2007 ~

KS Bluestem Ebony Star
(Adiels Stetson X KS Bluestem Herod O Correl)
Black colt
DOB May 23, 2007
When Star was born he had what looked like
a perfect star configuration on his forehead, so thus his
name, Ebony comes from his color, rich and black, and was
a the name of his granddam.
Star is of linebred Midwest Herod lineage.
His granddam, Ebony, produces horses with a high degree
of intelligence and trainability. Star is no different.
Even as a foal Star is displaying exceptional intelligence
and boldness. He seems to think things out and if he disagrees
then corrected he seldom forgets his lesson. He builds on
each lesson and has remarkable trainability. Star has a
long strided walk which seems to display much of his self
assured boldness. I have seldom seen this foal take a step
out of fear. He is also very inquisitive and should mature
into an unflappable self assured driving/riding mount.
Star has been sold and will be joining a family
of long time Morgan breeders in Kansas. I am so pleased
to have placed him into a home that has such great Morgan
history. He will be paired up with another black Morgan.
His destiny is to become a driving horse and to be ridden
on the ranch and for Pony Express celebration activities.
~ Star ~
~ Star - day one of age ~
~ Star at two days of age ~
~ Star at 9 days old ~
Catherine and Star
~ Trail Ride, 2007 ~

Kerry, Opie (Stars dam) and Star trail riding.
Kerry, Opie and Star enjoying a ride through fields and pastures.
Star gets a drink in the setting sun.
~Kerry worked with Star all summer long and
taught Star many things to include leading, jumping, picking up
feet, trailer loading and the list goes on… Pictured is Kerry
and Star during many of his lessons. ~
Kerry and Star
~ Star - various summer photos ~
~ Star’s dam Opie is highly intelligent,
it seems like all of my Ebony babies are.
Here Opie is pictured bowing with Star and I.
Star has inherited his mother’s easy trainability and intelligence.
Click to see larger image.
Click to see larger image.
~ Star leaves for his new home. Prior to
leaving he meets his future driving mate.
They will spend many years together, side by side in play and
in harness; they will know each other well. Today their noses
touched for the first time. ~
This was Star’s last day with us. We taught him many things,
all building blocks
which will help him to succeed in his new life. Star will mature
into a stout
animal of easy trainability and good nature. We will miss him.
Star is pictured with his new master Doug. Doug and his family
will use Star for ranch work, pony express events and driving.

Click to see larger image.

KS Bluestem The Big Red One
(Adiels Stetson X Sweets Cin Della)
Chestnut – possibly turning flaxen
DOB May 25, 2007
The Big Red One, or Red is named after Fort
Riley’s First Infantry Division. The First Infantry Division
is the oldest division in the United States Army and it
is located nearby. It is a division that contains great
history and honor.
Red is an incredibly beautiful and typey foal.
He has a lovely head with large eyes, hooked ears, tea cup
muzzle, large hindquarters and good length of hip. Red loves
affection and fully enjoys human companionship. He loves
to be groomed. He seems to learn things very easily, retains
them and really tries. Red would make great reining horse
as he is extremely athletic and can spin and turn quite
nicely. He is of quiet nature but will need a future master
that is experienced. His bloodlines contain some of the
best Midwest lines. He no doubt could become a stallion
but I believe we will geld him so he can live a long life
dedicated to pleasing his master. I really love this foal,
he is a beauty. He reminds so much of Cin Della’s filly
from last year, Rosa. She is one I should have never sold
but I can not keep them all.
~ Red - one day of age ~
Cin Della brings her newborn foal, Red home. Red, like the rest
of the Bluestem foals, must quickly learn what real life is about.
His first challenge in life is to pick his way down a steep hill
containing obstacles, then cross a creek. Cin Della checks on
his progress. Thank goodness the spring rains diminished as the
creek was low. Many times in spring the rains swell this creek
and it runs rapid and high. It always amazes me that the mares
and foals will still cross.
~ Red - 6 days old ~
~ Red and Catherine ~
~ Red on a spring trail ride with his dam
and other Bluestem horses ~
~ Kerry and Red - Summer, 2007 ~
~ Kerry developed a strong bond with Red
and taught him many things. I think Red was her favorite. Pictured
are Kerry and Red enjoying the summer days and the many things
they did together. ~
Cynthia and Red
Click to see larger image.
