~ Kansas Bluestem foals 2010

Kansas Pottawatomie Princess
(Kansas Buffalo Soldier X KS Bluestem Herod
O Correl)

KS Bluestem Red Ryder B
(Adiels Stetson X KS Bluestem B Mine)
Born April 3, 2010
Sire: Adiel’s Stetson
Dam: KS Bluestem B Mine

Ryder pictured at 7 days of age with his
dam, B Mine. Ryder has a blaze just like his dam. We will soon
know if he will shed off his light coat and turn into a dark red
jewel like his dam. I love his dam's color.
I really like this colt. He is going to be
big and sporty (???) like his dam
coupled with the baroque curves and prettiness of his sire.
Red Ryder B, pictured at three weeks of age
is displaying the calmness and patience of an older animal tied.
Even at a young age Ryder is learning the lessons of life; patience
and discipline. He will remember these lessons throughout his
life and these lessons will become his building blocks to a strong
foundation as he matures.

KS Bluestem Bronze Soldier
(Kansas Buffalo Soldier X Sweets Jada Babe)
Brown stud colt
Born April 18, 2010
~ Jada has had her foal. This is my first
sighting of the new arrival. ~
~ Jadas colt is just a few hours old and
still very unsure of himself while standing. He is a beautiful
stud colt with incredible bone and substance. Jada is a consistent
producer of outstanding stock. She is what I call a “Blue Hen”;
producer of exceptional stock time after time. ~
~ The Water Crossing ~
The colt is a few hours old and beginning to learn the lessons
of life. His first encounter with water and first water crossing.
Lucky for the foal the creek is down making the crossing easy.
Even though he is only hours old he will remember the lessons
he is learning today.
~ At the water crossing Freedom decides to
have a little fun.
She is heavy with foal and will soon give birth to her first foal.
When new foals are born within the herd it
is a exciting event for the entire herd. It is a jubilation; an
event worthy of great celebration. The horses prance and dance
around to express their emotions. All of them carry around a twinkle
in their eye and all join in the celebration of “life”. When they
get to close to “Mom” she lets them know. She guards her perimeter.
They in turn guard her perimeter from any outside intruders. Those
allowed closest to the foaling mare are usually siblings through
the dam of the new foal. Sometimes the older dams will try to
steal foals and the older dams know this. So the foal is guarded
closely by the new mother.
The horses run and dance.
They are filled with the excitement about the birth of a new foal.
Liberty is excited and displays excitement with a content face
and twinkle in her eye.
Reagan runs to catch up to his dam and new ½ brother. He will
not let them out of is site. He is very excited about his new
Reagan gets to close and Jada warns him of her pending correction
if he does not respect her guarded perimeter.
The herd settles back down for the evening. Jada and foal are
encircled by members of the herd protecting her and the foal from
any possible threats or intruders. Jada and foal are located in
the middle of the circled horses.
~ At three weeks of age Bronze Soldier is
already learning the art of standing patiently while tied. He
is developing into a very beautiful baroque colt. ~

KS Bluestem Chisholm
(Westwind Ethan X KS Bluestem Lady Ebony)
Black colt - no white
Born - April 23, 2010
Sire: Westwind
Dam: Bluestem Lady Ebony
Lacey, dam of Chisholm pictured with Katherine.
Click pics to enlarge.
~ Day one of life. It had just rained, the
pasture was muddy and the weather was chilly. I found Lacey in
a brushy area and she had just recently foaled. ~
~ The new foal is still unsteady on his feet
but soon gained his footing. He will soon be traveling as fast
as the wind with the rest of the herd. ~
~ Pictured later in the day and several hours
Chisholm is now much more alert and active. ~
~ Just hours old Chisholm encounters his
first steep hill. ~
Chisholm has never seen water before. He
takes his time and checks out the creek, tastes the water and
then decides it is OK to cross. As with all Kansas Bluestem foals
these first experiences of life will become a daily occurrence.
These experiences will be the building blocks for building strong
bone, minds and a sure footed, dependable steed.
At two days of age Chisholm is now sure footed
and fully mobile.
Everyday will lead to new life adventures and experiences.
Chisholm pictured with his dam at 6 days
of age. Chisholm is a beautiful colt.
He has a very pretty head, hooked ears and a nice long hip.
Chisholm 9 days of age.
Chisholm - August 2010.

Kansas Let Freedom Ring
(Westwind Ethan X Kansas Enduring Freedom)
Black filly
Born April 28, 2010
Sire: Westwind
Dam: Kansas Enduring Freedom
Click pics to enlarge.
Freedom is my personal riding horse. Freedom
is very bold and smooth riding. She is not gaited but so smooth
you would thing she is. She rides like glass be it canter or
trot. Freedom is pictured at age 4. That summer I rode Freedom
on the 100 mile Oregon Trail ride and later in the fall took
her to her first Competitive Trail Ride. It was her second time
off the farm, the Oregon Trail Ride was her first. Photos from
the CTR show Freedom at veterinary check, tied out and at the
end of the ride displaying all of her honors. Freedom just age
4 won her novice division and then won overall novice championship!
That is quite an honor for a young mare in her very first competition.
Freedom was competing against seasoned novice riders from all
states and all breeds of horses. An event the predominate breed
is the Arabian! I was so proud of Freedom. Kansas Let Freedom
Ring will be destined to follow in her dams footsteps and make
her master proud.
~ Kansas Let Freedom Ring pictured at one
day of age. ~
~ Let Freedom Ring and dam at two days of
age. ~
~ Freedom and sister Lacey tell Willard the
Finally, with a bit of pride and hide missing, Willard looks
on at the new arrivals.

~ Over the years I have learned so much about
the behavior of horses within a herd. It is amazing to see families
within the herd develop strong family bonds through the dams line.
Both Freedom and Lacey are full sisters. They are very close and
take care of each other. Both are experiencing their “first” foals.
Many times I have seen Lacey taking care of Freedoms foal and
Freedom taking care of Lacey’s. I have even witnessed Lacey’s
foal getting mixed up on dams and trying to nurse Freedom. Freedom
watches after Lacey’s son just like it was her own. These sisters
graze together, move about together and share the duties of motherhood.
Pictured are Lacey and Freedom enjoying the company of a good
sister and first time motherhood. ~
~ August 2010 ~

Kansas Buffalo Scout
(Kansas Buffalo Soldier X KS Bluestem Tonga’s
Black stud colt – no white
Born – April 30, 2010
~ Kansas Buffalo Scout just a few minutes
old and still very wet. Scout is a very large black colt and is
just beginning life. Still wet, his mane ringlets were cute enough
to deserve a photo. He looks like he will have a very nice head
and eye. ~
~ Scout dries off and even at a very young
age he looks like he is going to be a dandy! I have waited a year
for this cross thinking it was going to be a GREAT cross and I
believe it will be!! ~
~ Kansas Buffalo Scout at 16 days of age.
~ Kansas Buffalo Scout - August 2010 ~
