Kansas Buffalo Soldier
Page 2
Mounting Block and Tarp Training
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Yearling Dec 2004 "Fun Day"
We had a warm day in December 2004, so I decided to work with Soldier.
I have always wanted him to mount up on a pedestal but I needed
Jim to make me a pedestal. Then I saw our mounting block and got
the idea I would use the mounting block. So next on the agenda was
to teach Soldier to mount up on the block. No problem, he had that
one down in no time. Next I put some obstacles in the round pen
for him to walk across; no problem he would follow me, like a dog,
across them. I then decide I would see what Soldier would do with
a blue tarp as I had never introduced him to one before. Soldier
had no problem with the tarp. I placed it on his back and all around,
all he wanted to do was well……chew it. Yes, chewing…Soldiers downfall,
he needs a large “horsy pacifier!!” He is a motor mouth that has
prehensile lips like an elephant. Opps, sidetracking, back to the
tarp. I then put the tarp on the ground and Soldier had no problem
walking over it. Well, yes, he did have a problem…he wanted to stop
and chew on the tarp as he was walking over it. I then let him have
fun with the tarp and fun he had tossing that thing high in the
sky and all about. The next thing I tried was the shocker and a
learning experience for me. I then decided to drag the tarp to let
Soldier get used to the noise of the dragging and movement. Soldier,
instead of being startled began to follow it and step on it. Once
he stepped on and stopped the tarp he would of course chew it. So
I picked up the pace and ran with it. Before I knew it Soldier was
in high gear, ears back, neck stretched and attaching the tarp.
I was SHOCKED. Never did I expect such a response from him. I know
he and the other horses will chase dogs, chickens, peafowl and cats
occasionally, and when Eli’s heifer got in with Soldier tried to
herd her. I knew animals were fun toys to ours horse, but I never
thought they would herd a tarp!!! What a surprise. Now I need to
see if the other horses do this. I never knew he would do this!
A learning experience for me…….
Soldier mounted on the “mounting block”, he has
a whip in his mouth, his pacifier :o)))

Soldier crossing the tarp and picking it up with his mouth as he
goes past . Soldier needs a MUZZLE!!!

Young Soldier gets to know the tarp through the senses
of sight, smell, touch/feel, taste, listen/noise. He has inherited
the gene of sensibility and boldness. This was the first time Soldier
had ever seen a blue crinkling loud tarp. He is sound enough in mind
to gather his thoughts and senses not fear the unknown. A quality
we cherish and look for in our horses. |

Here Soldier is mildly beginning to work the tarp.
Herding ability. Soldier's dam line goes back to Sweet's
bred horses which were bred and used to be ranch horses. Through both
sire and dam lines Soldier no doubt has the ability to herd or cut
cattle. These photo's depict the incredible instinct. |

Here is a head shot of Soldier. When we were done I sat down in
the pen and Soldier looked at me with his knowing and intelligent
eyes trying to figure out what I was doing. His eyes seem to say;
“What are you doing Mom; are you OK, did I do something wrong?”
Soldier gets the tarp stopped and lastly Soldier is
still interested but I am wrapping up the day and the tarp. |

Hobbling Lesson
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I always like to test a horse to see if they will accept
restraint in the form of hobbles. Many horses are not of the nature
to accept or tolerate hobbles; training these type horses take a long
time and some horses just will not accept them. I like the type of
horse that will accept hobbles. When Soldier was a yearling I decided
to give him the "hobble" test to see how he would do. |
Soldier was let loose in the ring with his hobbling
equipment. He decided he wanted to check out the equipment. Soldier
is a horse that must touch, feel and mouth everything. I was told
once by a farm visitor that this was a sign of intelligence. I believe
he was right.
One of the things I like to do is test my horses
to see how well they accept hobbles. Some horses find it very difficult
to accept hobbles as their legs are their "fight or flight" mechanism.
I prefer to own horses that will calmly accept hobbles; the type
of horses that do not panic. Pictured is Soldier seconds after the
very first time hobbles were applied. Soldier inspects the equipment
that is restraining his legs then stands there in acceptance. He
was calm throughout this process. No panicking, lounging or becoming
"crazed" in anyway. I was very pleased by his response. The next
step, tying one of his back legs to the front hobbles.
Soldier inspects the equipment which restrains his back
leg. Of course he took it all in stride and did not care. He seem
to "know" what this was about and stood. So I continued and wrapped
him up with cotton rope. Soldier is a true champ. He passed his hobbling/rope
test with flying colors!! The more I work with this horse the more
I realize how special he is. He couples beauty with intelligence/trainability
and a calm mind. |

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Soldier remembered his lessons well as a young foal.
One of the things I had taught him was to do a turn on his haunches.
Here I am asking Soldier to turn on his haunches. Even as a yearling
you can see Soldier is very responsive to my request. His great
intelligence and trainability is reflected through his body language
and demeanor.

One day I decided I would try to teach Soldier to
bow. After a small time working with him Soldier knew what I wanted
and bowed. Pictured is the very first day and very first lessons
of Soldier bowing. I do enjoy working with this horse.

The Meeting
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Steve and Glenda Farrier purchased Soldiers older brother
Fort. In 2004 Roxanne, Soldiers and Fort's dam had a lovely black
Filly called KS Bluestem Angel Sings aka "Flyer". Glenda really loved
this little filly and decided she would make a nice pair for Fort.
In Oct 2004 Glenda came to pick up Flyer and brought Fort along for
the experience. |
Pictured are photo's of full siblings Fort and Soldier
meeting for the first time and the last photo is of all three full
siblings; Fort, Soldier and the lovely Flyer. Glenda just loves
Flyer too and said she is her "soul mate". I am honored that Glenda
Farrier choose to purchase horses from us.
The full siblings (Puckett X Roxanne):
Fort - 2 year old light green halter
Soldier - Yearling - tan halter
Flyer - weanling

The lovely Flyer; full sister to Fort and Soldier.
Photo taken the day she left our farm.
Flyer is expressing her joy of life.

Yearling Photos - Summer
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Our lovely Soldier displaying his lovely trot as a yearling. Notice
his powerful hindquarter; this is the driving force or the engine
of his magnificent trot. He is practicing the "dressage silhouette".

Soldier and Uncle Beau
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Soldier's dam is Roxanne who is a full sister
to Beau our beloved gelding. Soldier looks very much like Beau
and seems to like to hang around with him. Pictured is Beau and
the young yearling Soldier trying to be and do everything just
like his big "Uncle Beau".

Yearling Photos - Spring
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Soldier spring 2004
A portrait of Soldier coming into his yearling year. Photos
capture his lovely head, eye, bone, substance, lovely movement
and his joy of life among his herd mates.
"The Welcome Home Hug"
This image is full-sized.

Click on any picture below for a larger view.
< At 6 months
Yearling photos >

Foal Pictures

At one day old.

Photo taken at 12 days old.

Photo taken at 12 days.

Photo taken at 12 days.

Photo taken at 16 days.

Photo taken at 16 days.

Photo taken at 16 days.
